General Principles
1. Light Saber Combat has been created and is daily promoted in observance of the principles of loyalty, discipline, fair play, respect, passion and sense of aggregation that characterise the sport as part of the modern Olympic ideal. On this matter, it defines the Se.Cu.Ri. (Servizio, Cura, Rispetto, or rather Service, Care, Respect) as its central rule. Service is intended as the willingness of each pupil to support each of his/her fellow pupils along the path of technical improvement, through constant, active encouragement to reach their own limits and try to exceed them. Care comes through control, practised in techniques and in the general attention to their fellow pupils’ safety. Respect comes from awareness of oneself, one’s own limits and strong points and leads to a correct way of relating with others in the aware-ness of not having to underestimate anyone, whatever their level or experience. While Service is reserved for those realms that are not directly competitive, Care and Respect are to be considered as essential for any situation linked to practising the sport.
2. The LudoSport individuals and organisations that intend to teach, practise and promote Light Saber Combat must support the values of the sport, by promoting healthy competitiveness, a climate of mutual trust, refusing any kind of illicit or incorrect means for guaranteeing victory and firmly rejecting any form of sexual, religious, ethnic discrimination or any other form of conduct that limits integration and inclusion – a natural consequence of sporting activity – and any form of doping. These bodies must operates for the well being of citizens, promoting the values of human dignity, non-violence and solidarity amongst people and populations, cooperating with the others who share the same principles. By recognising sport as a citizen’s right, a resource for integration, they must also work towards promotion and diffusion – in sport but also via sport, in social life – of a culture of rights, the environment and solidarity.
The Athletes’ duties
3. Without prejudice to the obligations deriving from belonging to their own LudoSport Academy, all Light Saber Combat fighters – represent this sport and its values, and their conduct must be consequent to being aware of this role. They must, therefore, undertake to: – Follow the Rules and Regulations according to the principles of loyalty and correctness; – Behave in an exemplary manner during competitions and training, in particular via the correct fulfilment of the obligation of self-declaration. – Reject any form of doping; – Abstain from carrying out any acts, by any means, to artificially alter the carrying out or conduct of the race; – Abstain from any conduct which may damage the physical and/or moral integrity of opponents, competition judges and executives; – Respect the Masters and the Instructors for the time and availability that they give when transmitting their skills; – Respect the other pupils, of any level, in the conviction that it is possible to learn from anyone and that nobody must be underestimated; – Respect the competition judges in the belief that each decision is taken in good faith and objectively; – Adopt positive initiatives and/or conduct aimed at making the public more aware of the sporting events, protecting athletes in the opponents’ teams and their relative supporters; – Abstain from expressing harmful judgements on the reputation, image, and personal dignity of other people or bodies who operate according to sporting law: – Make themselves available for taking part in any official initiative aimed at promoting the sport, its values and ethical principles, or with a social and education character.
The duties of Masters, Tecnici and Instructors
4. Light Saber Combat Masters, Tecnici and Instructors must interiorise and follow – before all others – the main rule of Se.Cu.Ri, and any other sporting value; only then can they pass on such a rule and these principles. The conduct of the Masters and Instructors must be exemplary, set on correctness towards any other member whether academic or not. Athletes, colleagues, competitions judges, executives, parents, supporters. The transmission of all Light Saber Combat values is the primary responsibility of Masters, Tecnici and Instructors, who must undertake to respect the following principles: – Promote the sport and its rules, highlighting the ethical values; – Establish a positive model for all athletes through their own conduct; – Not reward disloyal behaviour or adopting it personally; – In no way carrying out deeds that are aimed at artificially altering the carrying out or result of a competition or ensuring that anyone has an undeserved advantage. – Respect the competition judges and their assistants in the certainty that every decision is take in good faith and objectively; – Report any situation of conflict of interests, even if only apparent to the executive bodies; – Support and taking part in any official initiative aimed at promoting the sport, its values and ethical principles, or with a social and education character; – Avoid oppressive or excessively punishing behaviour; – Avoid arousing disproportionate expectations among young, when compared to their actual potential – Proceed with the formation of the teams, and the selection of athletes, bearing in mind not only the sports results and/or the physical conditions, but also the commitment shown, upheld conduct, and respect of the rules and the people.
Duties of competition Judges
5. Notwithstanding the obligations deriving from being a Master or qualified as an Instructor, as set out above, during official competitions, competition judges must undertake to: • Objectively assess athletes’ conduct during the competition, also regarding their observance of the herein code; • Avoid any type of favouritisms, of any kind; • Express their own authority through communication with their own collaborators, when present, and with the athletes during and after the competition; • In official competitions, abstain from any kind of attitude that favours one of the parties only; • In official competitions, declare any conflicts of interest and renounce judging the competition.