Official Documents
The documents in this page are the Network official references and they represent the will of SLM normative statement. Each new document surpass and update the previous ones in the subjects it face. For any doubt on the interpretation of the documents, please contact the Embassy.
Documenti Generali
Act 221.3 – Official LudoSport Competitions | Competizioni Ufficiali LudoSport
Act 231 – Update on Combat Subtunic official colors and logos | Aggiornamento riguardante colori e loghi ufficiali per Combat Subtunic
Act 221.2 – Repealed by subsequent provisions | Abrogato da disposizioni successive
Act 221 – Repealed by subsequent provisions | Abrogato da disposizioni successive
Act 161 – Repealed by subsequent provisions | Abrogato da disposizioni successive
Act 162 – Qualifications in teaching | Qualifiche per l’insegnamento
Act 162 bis – Qualifications in teaching (amendment) | Qualifiche per l’insegnamento (rettifica)
Act 171 – Nomenclature | Nomenclatura
Act 1802-01 – Repealed by subsequent provisions | Abrogato da disposizioni successive
Act 1809-01 – Use of sabers in Academies | Utilizzo di spade nelle Accademie
Act 1809-02 – Criteria to enter LudoSport as Official Suppliers & Sporting Saber Register | Criteri per l’ingresso in LudoSport come fornitori ufficiali e Sporting Saber Register
Decree 171 – LudoSport Officials | Giudici LudoSport
Note 1905-01 – Style and Rank Exams | Esami di Stile e di Grado